Thursday, September 17, 2015

German Bakery Technology: Combating Cooties!

German Bakery Technology: Combating Cooties!

We tend not to think about how gross it is to touch money then touch the food we are going to eat. Or maybe we just block it out so you don’t think of the frequently passed bacteria on your scrumptious baguette.

In 2014, The Wall Street Journal wrote an article about
Why You Shouldn’t Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. NYU researchers found that hundreds of different kinds of bacteria is passed from hand to hand when you exchange money.

“Easily the most abundant species they found is one that causes acne. Others were linked to gastric ulcers, pneumonia, food poisoning and staph infections, the scientists said. Some carried genes responsible for antibiotic resistance.” How disgusting is that! Um, acne?!

TIME also wrote about
Dirty Money and how majority of the U.S. bills are contaminated by cocaine. And that paper money can carry more germs than a household toilet.

Even though we are talking about ‘Dirty Dollars’ it must be the same with 'Icky Euros'. Even though they are much more prettier and colorful than the US dollars, they most likely have the same about of microbes living on there.

Okay I think you get the point.. and I don’t want to gross everyone out any further! If you really do the research, I think we all will be swiping our credit cards to pay for a pack of gum just to avoid touching the fecal cocaine glitter on the money.

So what about the bakeries!? Well, in Germany they are getting it right!! I went to one of my
favorite food stores in Germany to get some German Brotchen goodness and I saw this new contraption. I actually said outloud…“NO WAY! How COOL!!”

Here you tell the bakery employee with the acne-causing-dollar-dust free hands what you want to have, he places it in the bag for you, then from his side of the counter he inputs the price of your purchase. Then from your side you use this handy dandy, cootie combating money machine. You can either insert the money or you can even swipe your credit card (which is a rare thing here!). Then.. voila! You take your bread! How come it took so long for this to happen!? Well let’s just be happy that it is here.

Here is a video of how it works!

Author’s Profile: Gemma is a mom, a veteran and an Army civilian living in Wiesbaden, Germany. With New Jersey roots, she is enjoying her extended European vacation.

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