Sunday, February 28, 2016

VeggieWorld Expo

VeggieWorld Expo

VeggieWorld is a consumer and trade fair for products and services all supporting the vegan lifestyle.
VeggieWorld is the largest vegan expo and the longest running of its kind. Being a life-long vegetarian I just had to check out this expo!

I really had no idea what to expect when I was going to VeggieWorld. How many other vegan supporters could there be in this area? I thought it was maybe a small event with a few vendors. No matter what I thought, I was for sure going to check this out to show my support and also get some yummy veggie food! Well when I got there I was so shocked how huge this event was. There was parking all over an industrial area of the town and in every parking lot in the area. The expo was in a huge two floor event hall! Everything was so professional and organized I was so impressed. It cost 12 euro to enter the expo and my parking was 3 euro.

The first vendor I visited was a really popular one, maybe because she was cooking up some delicious samples. She was making small pieces of bread that was cooked with the seasoning they were selling. It tasted like scrumptious garlic bread but only better. You can use the ‘
Wurzfee, Streuwurze und Gemusebruhe’ on vegetables, bread and make soup out of it. There was no way I was leaving without some of this magic seasoning.

I started on the first floor, which I later learned this floor focused a lot on mind, body and health rather than food. Regardless, it was very packed!

They had vendors that had items such as oils, books and clothing with representatives that were very informative!

The variety of the vendors was really incredible. In one corner of the expo you can learn and purchase items for your dental health, gong healing and get a massage. I actually saw several vendors where you can get a face/sinus massage, foot massage, and back massage.

They had a list of on-going seminars during the expo with topics from meditation to cooking classes.

The first floor was very interesting but we really wanted to try new food so we went upstairs. First stand was a vegan falafel/ middle eastern stand, which had a huge line so I just stared and drooled.

Of course the VIP of this event just has to be tofu! They had several tofu stands where they were grilling up samples of all different kinds of flavors. Don’t mind if I do! Even if you have had it a million times before you still have to take a sample and make a face like it is the first time.

Everyone was walking around holding coconuts, either chopped or with a straw sticking out, and then I found out where they were coming from.

We sampled delicious ice tea which has no sugar, one calorie and it is all natural. It is called ‘
Naturbursche Stevia-Eistee’ and I am going to now buy it in bulk from a local supermarket.

There were tables with flyers with information about events and products. One of the most interesting flyers I found was information on was ‘
Vegan Travel, Vegan River Cruises’. Such a cool idea to travel with like-minded people and most of all to be able to eat anything you want on the cruise that you are paying for! So many times I pay for dinners or events, and end up only having salad and the side of rice for dinner, but yet pay the same as everyone having steak.

We tried vegan ice cream that was being served by
Veganz, a vegan store/ café in Frankfurt. The ice cream tasted so good and also healthy. I didn’t even know this store existed but I will have to go there now that I know it does!

Typical for any other German fest, they of course had (organic) beer and (vegan) sausage!

After all of the sample eating we still wanted to have some lunch so we went to the café in the expo hall. This was the first time in my life where I go to a café and everything is vegetarian! They had tofu curry and other hot meals, but I got an amazing salad from the salad bar.

We left VeggieWorld feeling great! Maybe from the information we learned, or the super-food samples we ate one toothpick after another, or from seeing there are so many vegan supporters in the area but I think it was because of a combination of all three.

VeggieWorld travels throughout Europe. You check out the expo at upcoming
VeggieWorld events:

05-06 March in Utrecht

12-13 March in Hamburg
30 April – 01 May in Munich
02-03 April in Paris
23-25 September in Zurich
21-23 October in Dusseldorf
26-27 November in Berlin

Author’s Profile: Gemma is a mom, a veteran and an Army civilian living in Wiesbaden, Germany. With New Jersey roots, she is enjoying her extended European vacation.

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